Learning ground
I learned how to make webpages in senior year of high school. Since then,
I have forgotten every bit of it! This page serves for me to put into
practice everyting I learned in Neocities' tutorials.
This will likely be one long page, so GO BACK WHILE YOU CAN.
Log 1: 10-21-2023
This site was established. All I know is from the tips learned from the new HTML file provided. The way the home page is designed includes all of it, just in case I forget. However, I decided to make this late in the day and as such, I don't think I can get too much done.
I will take the time to thank Shadok for providing the motivation to finally make this site. I wanted to for a while but her video spurred me to action.
Log 2: 10-23-2023
Didn't have much time, so went through the first tutorial comic. I now know that this text doesn't need to be bound at least. It's nice that the tutorial goes through the basic stuff, but it's already included in the default html page. Well, at least I know how to tab properly now (or at least give the illusion of tabbed text). I'm not sure who to share for this post, so I'll just leave it blank for now.
- -Mask
Log 3: 11-4-2023
Since I missed a week due to con, I decided to type this as I learn. Mostly, I'm just finishing up the HTML lesson. As I typed last time, most of the HTML elements
were already shown on the default page. I wanted to go straight to CSS, but I was advised to finish up HTML first, Hence why this is typed as I learn. Before I go back
to hunkering down on that, I will give an image of something I worked on some time ago. I got pretty far into coding an adventure game's mechanics before fizzling out.
I still have the files so I could resume any time, just needing to code in a basis for enemies. So I shall leave the player sprite here. It's going to be a bit
blurry or small, and it may not even show up due to me saving it as a PNG. I hope it works out, at least.

4:11 update: Back after finishing the html tutorial, there was in fact more to learn. This page has turned more into a blog than a showcase, so the work there
has been plaved on another page. I know you'll be able to find it. With that, I move on to CSS, and hopefully make this site look better than the white void. I've
linked up this page to the testing CSS, so any changes you will se will likely be in real time. To establish this, I've inverted the colors to start.
5:13 Update: Done some tinkering with the css, I feel as if I'm still in the shallow end. Still, this is a unique astetic. Perhaps overall site should have a dark
backdrop witht the light blue text? It seems nice, but I am biased toward my favorite color. Since there is some saving being done with the forms, Maybe I shoud
create a higher contrast mode? Invert the blue and black, perhaps? We'll see, I still need to get this site presentable first, I'm still in web 1.0! Though I
suppose this means it can be accessed via Dreamcast...
I think i'm done here for today,so I'll leave off with a reccomendation of my own. I was brought back into webcomics by a friend of mine and found some favorites
of my own. For this post, I'll put in The Last Dimension by Leaglem. It's a fun sci-fi comic about a group of four kids sent to another world (but not the one
thinking of). It's funny, cute, and has some nice music. I'm not the best at articulating stuff I like about media, but if by some reason you found this site, I hope
you consider reading it.
- -Mask
Log 4: 11-9-2023
Decided to retcon these to being "Logs" instead of "Days" since these aren't exactly daily. Still going to learn HTML/CSS/Java, and I'll still update this page whenever
something changes, but I recently found some tools that can help the design process. Testing pages will still be linked here when new stuff happens. For the sake of getting
this site up sooner, I'm going to start designing the overall layout now. I'll link the tool when I'm done.
3:20 Update: Currently messing with the layout on a side page located here. If you found this page before 5PM
today, keep refreshing to see whatever small changes I'm making. This may be unoriginal, but it's a start while I work on something more unique.
4:49 Update: I'm at a point where I am happy with the layout, at least for now. The link will still be attached for those who want to preview, and will hopefully be changed
to show the version associated should this website be redesigned. For me, game night is fast approaching so I will be leaving it here. On Sunday (provided plans don't occur last
minute) I will begin the process of getting this design implemented throughout the webpages. It won't be finished yet, but it feels like a large leap occured today. I'm going to
do some final testing then be on my way.
As stated before, I would be sharing the tool used to help here. sadgrl.online has a large amount of tools that will help
you get started with your website. These include a layout editior (which I used for the test link above), accessability tools, and such a wide variety of tools that I can't list
them all here. I'm sure most of you have used them in making your own website, but if you have yet to take the digital plunge, I cannot reccommend these enough!
- -Mask
Log 5: 11-12-2023
The home page now reflects the design of the design test page linked in the previous log. I separated the CSS from the file for it's own .css, so that should hopefully save on data storage in the long term. Today will mostly be spent on bugfixes for the mobile version and getting the remaining links set up. Namely, I want the header to not be duplicated when viewing verically while maintaining its appearance on desktop and laptop. Originally I also wanted to increase the sidebar's priority so it is viewed first on mobile, but since the home screen's text won't likely take up too much space, I'm now OK with it being lower.
I'm going to unify the design of the pages, so the original style sheet associated with this page will be phased out. I will keep a photo here to show how far this site as come, as eventually I do want to switch to a fully unique style sheet.

- Ah, the early days...
With that being said, I only intend for the sidebar to be seen on the homepage. Still, with how often I changed my mind about the sidebar, Don't be surprised if it ends up going everywhere! Other things I wish to include (especially for this page) is a "Back to top" button, especially since the navbar does not scroll. It's probably just going to be a link to the same page, but hopefully I can get fancier. I'll test with the button first.
The button works! Now all I need to do, for today at least, is get the other pages ready. There won't be anything there, not yet anyway, but there should be soon!
The pages have been added and the header SHOULD link to all of them, meaning you can go from any main page to any other main page. I'm just going to get the pages away from the lorem ipsum placeholder and then I'm done for today. Had to do some yard work earlier and I have to meet someone IRL soon, so not much on the site today. Still, despite not much actually being done, it feels like it's in the home stretch. I want to do something for the occasion when it is considered properly finished (By finished, I mean this current iteration, I don't intend to just leave things as they are here.).
Since the next log will likely be the last before I consider the site no longer WIP, this will be the final time I reccomend something in the devlog. I feel like sharing the many animated works of aimkid. Her style is fluid, fast, and fun. It is deceptively simple and no matter which video you decide to watch, you won't be disappointed. Her latest animation, drawn to the song "Birthday" by Lemon Demon is a personal favorite.
- -Mask