
Sorry for the lack of updates and whatnot, work has been draining for me. Still need to add those features mentioned in the devlog, but since this is not really dev related, might as well make this the inagural post!

Previous two weeks were spent unwinding from weeks that seem to be getting not longer, but thicker if that makes any sense. So more time was spent recovering than I would like. Fortunately, this most recent weekend was a trip to PA that I was looking forward to!

Went to PAX unplugged with some friends and saw the sights, got some board games and dice, overall had a blast! There was an incident on saturday where I slipped in the hotel shower(thankfully landing in the curtain towards the door and not snapping my neck on the wall), but I was able to have a good laugh at it.

The part I enjoyed most was the various RPGs I partook in. I'll save the stories for another post, but I vastly enjoyed my time with various new systems (5e is my only real reference point). For photos, I mainly took wierd, interesting, or cool scenery as opposed to the traditional selfies. Some were taken though, but I'm not exactly comfortable with sharing my face, less so the faces of my friends. So the photos below are just some of the neat discoveries I had. (sorry for the pokemon focus, i wasn't sure what else to upload at the moment.

Giant pikachu. They're just floating there. OMINOUSLY!

Smaller pikachu, standing triumphant.

Shockingly massive gumball machine.

For the reccomendation on this post, I'm going to link to hbomberguy, a popular video essayist. I usually like to use my reccomendation conclusion for smaller or more niche intrests of mine, but with him releasing the first new video this year it felt like the perfect time to share. The afformentioned video, Plagerism and You(Tube) is a case study on the how and why creators large and small plagerise, focused on 5 notible cases (one moreso than others).
