During my final semester of community college, I created a videogame for the final project. It was a short adventure game with four areas and five bosses. It was the largest game I developed and is still something I am somewhat proud of.

I intended to release it shortly after, but realized that it lacked a good amount of polish and decided against it. You can't be laughed at for something you made if nobody sees it after all. However, if I can't release this nearly five-year-old passion project, what hope do I have to make anything else? Thus, I hope to improve this work before finally sending it out to the world, documenting all it is along the way. Maybe this will be the motivation to start making games again?


  • Optimize the colision detection
  • De-reference some of the enemies, objects, and dialogue.
  • Improve enemy movement
  • Remove unused options

Goals will be marked with a "O" when I am satisfied.

12-6-23 Overview

Since the files are still transfering from my old computer, Today's log will focus on the game's plot and some references that were made. First, what little plot there is.

The land of CERETZEME us under threat. A long-sealed entity, CALMASIS, has begun to influence all corners of the land through his four minions. Seeking to prove yourself, you don your armor, grip your sword, and seek to ascend the tower where this dark god is plotting.

Trivia I know offhand

The original concept for "Dreamedge" was an unrelated idea; I thought it would be fun to make a webcomic based on the various console wars. Each character's sword would be based on that generation's contender, with mechanical aspects of those swords inspired by the hardware capabilities. For instance, there would be elemental changes by switching the blade's cartridge. When I decided to make the adventure game, I decided to make the final Sega Sword, 'DREAMEDGE', as the final form of the character's weapon. This is referenced in the original sprites for the tablets you get, being that of the VMU.

Four sprite-art VMUs in blue, lime, orange, and red.

That's all I can give for now. Further trivia requires photos in-game, so next time will hopefully include this. Until then, I hope you all have a great night.
